
Another of the key themes within the priority to Fight Rural Crime, centres on increasing the level of resources to Dorset’s Rural Crime Team (RCT).

Indeed, since May 2021, there has been a 400% increase in resourcing - this includes more staff and more volunteers working to fight rural crime across our county.

The team previously consisted of two Police Constables (PC) and one Police Community Support Officer (PCSO). The increase now means that the team consists of a dedicated Inspector, Sergeant, five Constables, two Police Community Support Officers and a Neighbourhood Engagement Officer.

The team is also supported by three Special Constables, with three police volunteers and another Special Constable is anticipated to join the team soon. This increase in resource and capacity has extended the police’s reach and capability to fight rural crime. Dorset Police’s Rural Crime website pages are here.

Within the Police and Crime Plan, there is a shared ambition that the RCT should have closer links with neighbourhood policing and the resources to be even more visible and effective. A new rural crime van will help to further the work towards this goal by allowing the team to reach more remote areas and rural communities, ensuring that there is better connection and communication between the police and the communities they serve.

Dorset Police works successfully across the South West, with both other police forces and partner agencies, to target Organised Crime Groups and serious rural criminality. This includes recovering large numbers of stolen valuable farm equipment and bringing repeat offenders of wildlife crime, across many counties, to justice.

Rural Crime Prevention

Dorset Police has a range of advice on the prevention of different types of rural crime.

Many people inadvertently commit wilidlife crime while out dog walking. Dorset Dogs run projects across the county's beaches and heathlands to ensure species are protected and prevent wildfires. More information on theirwork can be found here.

Rural Crime Engagement 

The RCT will be out and about engaging with the community throughout the summer.

Please see their Facebook page for up to date information.

Rural Crime Strategy

A Rural Crime Strategy has recently been published by Dorset Police.

End of Year 2022 - Rural Highlights

Make a Difference

One way to make a difference is to join a Watch Scheme. Watch Schemes encourage residents to work together to reduce crime and the fear of crime, and helps to build stronger communities. Most people will have heard of Neighbourhood Watch, but did you know that there are other types of Watch Schemes operating in Dorset, such as Farm Watch and Horse Watch. Like Neighbourhood Watch, these schemes involve members of the community working in partnership with the police to help keep their area of Dorset safe.

how you could make a difference to your community